Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mark Apsolon makes a Blog

I normally do not do writing that much. Most of you guys know me from my short tutorial video on the website youtube. I'll make the Blog quick but in the future I will discuss everythgin from video production to what I ate for dinner last night. It will be fun!!

Go checkout my website at:

for awesome in depth video training DVDs

Cool and groovy
Mark Apsolon


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark, I am trying to figure out how to set up a green screen area and get started making videos with my elementary students. I think it will be a wonderful and exciting way for them to learn and display their knowledge... With that said, I need help. Keep in mind that where I teach we are being furloughed and I am looking for the least expensive way to do this. Do you have any suggestions as to what software to use? Any tips, hints, ideas, etc would be greatly appreciated. Check out our blog from last year at and our upcoming blog I will use the last site to display our videos if I can figure out how to get them online... Thanks for all your help.

CharltonChars said...

A lot of people has to do with experience level someone who is fresh out of school is not going to make as much as someone who has been doing it for a long time. So, I am waiting for your next video tutorial which much more thing. Thanks...!!!
Corporate Video Melbourne